Startseite > Begriffe > Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch (XL) > proporción


The relation of the part to the whole. In art, it may refer to the search for the lengths of parts of the human body to the size of the whole person. The search for such rules, in written form, go back to vitruvius. The golden section or golden ratio is a proportion in which a whole line is unevenly divided, and the smaller part is to the larger, in the same ration as the larger part is to the whole.

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Gabriela Lozano
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Branche/Gebiet Meeresfrüchte Kategorie Allgemeine Meeresfrüchte


A meaty fish with firm, flavorful flesh. High in protein, the meat is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can often be found on our fresh ...