Startseite > Begriffe > Philippinisch (TL) > halalan sa kalagitnaan ng panahon ng pamamahala

halalan sa kalagitnaan ng panahon ng pamamahala

General elections for US Congress and state-level gubernatorial positions that are traditionally held halfway through the President's term (hence the "midterm").

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Mavel Morilla
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Branche/Gebiet Essen (andere) Kategorie Kräuter & Gewürze

buto ng kintsay

pampalasa (kabuuan o sa lupa, minsanhinahaluan na may asin - kintsay asin) Paglalarawan: buto mula sa ligaw Indian kintsay na tinatawag lobads. ...

Glossare mit Abbildungen

Characters In The Legend Of Zelda Series

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Moves to strengthen or dismantle climate change policy

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