Startseite > Begriffe > Serbisch (SR) > списак


Items listed together for convenience of comparison, or to ensure the actions associated with them are managed appropriately and not forgotten. An example is a list of items to be inspected that is created during quality planning and applied during quality control.

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Begriffe aus den Nachrichten

Ausgewählte Begriffe

Sanja Milovanovic
  • 0


  • 5


  • 1


Branche/Gebiet Spielzeug Kategorie Puppen

Стив Џобс лутка

Врло реалистична акциона играчка моделована по лику Стива Џобса и произведена у Кини, у Иникон компанији(In Icon) Лутка обухвата анатомски исправну ...


Glossare mit Abbildungen

MWC 2015

Kategorie: Technologie   2 2 Begriffe

Eastern Christian Ranks

Kategorie: Religion   2 20 Begriffe