Startseite > Begriffe > Serbokroatisch (SH) > apsolutna greška

apsolutna greška

The uncertainty in a measurement, expressed with appropriate units. For example, if three replicate weights for an object are 1.00 g, 1.05 g, and 0.95 g, the absolute error can be expressed as ± 0.05 g. Absolute error is also used to express inaccuracies; for example, if the "true value" is 1.11 g and the measured value is 1.00 g, the absolute error could be written as 1.00 g - 1.11 g = -0.11 g. Note that when absolute errors are associated with indeterminate errors , they are preceded with "±"; when they are associated with determinate errors , they are preceded by their sign.

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