Startseite > Begriffe > Mazedonisch (MK) > услови на тргување
услови на тргување
Allocation of inputs into two or more economies that take advantage of differences in comparative advantages and, through specialization, improve the production of the economies. Note that a change in the terms of trade should cause all domestic production to change (that is, reallocates all inputs), rather than just imports.
- Wortart: Nomen
- Synonym(e)
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- Branche/Gebiet Arbeit
- Kategorie Erwerbsstatistiken
- Company: U.S. DOL
- Produkt
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Browers Terms By Category
- Pestizide(2181)
- Organische Düngemittel(10)
- Kalidüngemittel(8)
- Herbizide(5)
- Fungizide(1)
- Insektizide(1)
Landwirtschaftliche Chemikalien(2207) Terms
- Allgemeine Astrologie(655)
- Tierkreis(168)
- Geburtsastrologie(27)
Astrologie(850) Terms
- Allgemeines Finanzwesen(7677)
- Fonds(1299)
- Warenbörse(874)
- Private Equity(515)
- Rechnungswesen(421)
- Immobilieninvestition(192)
Finanzdienstleistungen(11765) Terms
- Kasinos(127)
- Lottery(74)