Startseite > Begriffe > Philippinisch (TL) > propaganda


Any form of adversary communication, especially of a biased or misleading nature, designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

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Ausgewählte Begriffe

Mavel Morilla
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Branche/Gebiet Kunsthandwerk Kategorie Keramik

1740 Qianlong na plorera

Ang 16-pulgada matangkad Tsino plorera sa isang paksa ng isda sa harap at ginto na banding sa tuktok. Ito ay ginawa para sa Qianlong Emperador sa ...


Glossare mit Abbildungen

Popular Apple Species

Kategorie: Food   1 10 Begriffe

Food poisoning

Kategorie: Health   2 6 Begriffe