Startseite > Begriffe > Serbisch (SR) > линорез
A relief print produced in a manner similar to woodcut. The lino block consists of a thin layer of linoleum (a canvas backing coated with a preparation of solidified linseed oil) usually mounted on wood. The soft linoleum can be cut away more easily than a wood-block and in any direction (no grain) to produce a raised surface that can be inked and printed. Its slightly textured surface accepts ink evenly. Linoleum was invented in the nineteenth century as a floor covering; it became popular with artists and amateurs for printmaking in the twentieth century.
- Wortart: Nomen
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- Branche/Gebiet Kunstgeschichte
- Kategorie Kunstgeschichte allgemein
- Company: Tate
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Branche/Gebiet Entertainment Kategorie Musik
Adan Jang
American musician who founded the band, Owl City, via MySpace. He was signed onto Universal Republic record company in 2009. Before signing on with ...
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Browers Terms By Category
- Feste(20)
- Kirchliche Feiertage(17)
- Nationale Feiertage(9)
- Bräuche(6)
- Inoffizielle Feiertage(6)
- Internationale Feiertage(5)
Urlaub(68) Terms
- Drucker(127)
- Faxgeräte(71)
- Kopierer(48)
- Bürobedarf(22)
- Scanner(9)
- Projektoren(3)
Bürobedarf(281) Terms
- Schmuck allgemein(850)
- Style, Schnitt & Passform(291)
- Marken & Labels(85)
- General fashion(45)
Mode(1271) Terms
- Allgemeine Astronomie(781)
- Astronaut(371)
- Planetenwissenschaft(355)
- Mond(121)
- Kometen(101)
- Mars(69)
Astronomie(1901) Terms
- Kabel & Leitungen(2)
- Faseroptisches Equipment(1)