Startseite > Begriffe > Serbisch (SR) > дужност
Action, or an act, that is due by moral or legal obligation. Rights, grounded in core ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence/nonmaleficence and justice, create duties -- either of non-interference (for negative rights) or for provision of social goods (positive rights). Duty need not be grounded only in the strong language of rights. Day-to-day social interactions also give rise to notions of duty: promises create duties of fidelity, gifts create duties of gratitude, and so forth. Many moral philosophers have argued that participation in a political-social system creates a duty to abide by its laws and standards.
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Сендвич се прави од једне или више кришки хлеба са хранљивим пуњењем између. Било која врста хлеба,са бутером или векна,кајзерица или погачица ће бити ...
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