Startseite > Begriffe > Serbokroatisch (SH) > doza
Dose means quantity in the following fields:
In nutrition, medicine, and toxicology:
- Dose (biochemistry), the quantity of something that may be eaten by or administered to an organism, or that an organism may be exposed to
- Absorbed dose, an amount of radiation received
- Dosing, the process of administering a measured amount of a medicine or chemical to an inanimate object or non-human animal
- Effective dose, the smallest amount of a substance required to produce a measurable effect on a living organism
- Equivalent dose, a measure of radiation dosage to tissue
- Maximum tolerated dose, the highest dose of a radiological or pharmacological treatment that will produce the desired effect without unacceptable toxicity.
- Optimal Biological Dose, the quantity of a radiological or pharmacological treatment that will produce the desired effect with acceptable toxicity.
- Reference dose, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's maximum acceptable oral dose of a toxic substance
- Wortart: Nomen
- Synonym(e) dosing_₀, dosing_₀
- Blossary Instructions for use
- Branche/Gebiet Biotechnologie; Gesundheitswesen; Biowissenschaften; Medizinisch
- Kategorie
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- Produkt
- Akronym-Abkürzung:
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- Organische Chemie(2762)
- Toxikologie(1415)
- Allgemeine Chemie(1367)
- Anorganische Chemie(1014)
- Atmosphärenchemie(558)
- Analytische Chemie(530)
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- Marketingkommunikation(549)
- Onlinewerbung(216)
- Plakatwerbung(152)
- Fernsehwerbung(72)
- Radiowerbung(57)
- New-Media-Werbung(40)