Startseite > Begriffe > Armenisch (HY) > Միջազգային Աշխատանքային Կազմակերպություն (ՄԱԿ)

Միջազգային Աշխատանքային Կազմակերպություն (ՄԱԿ)

Founded in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles, which created the League of Nations. In 1946, it became the first specialized agency of the UN. Based in Geneva, it formulates international labor standards, setting out desired minimum rights for workers: freedom of association; the right to organize and engage in collective bargaining; equality of opportunity and treatment; and the abolition of forced labor. It also compiles international labor statistics. One reason for its formation was the hope that international labor standards would stop countries using lower standards to gain a competitive advantage. From the 1980s onwards, the ILO approach came under attack as attention turned to the costs of high labor standards, notably slower economic growth. Universal minimum labor standards might also work against free trade. Imposing rich-country labor standards on poorer countries might help keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

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Glossare mit Abbildungen

Role Play Games (RPG)

Kategorie: Entertainment   1 19 Begriffe

X about X

Kategorie: Arts   2 5 Begriffe