Startseite > Begriffe > Kroatisch (HR) > industrijski otpad
industrijski otpad
Any plastic resin or products, such as factory regrind and plant scrap, recycled outside of the primary manufacturing facility. Also referred to as post-industrial or pre-consumer plastics. (1995 post-consumer plastic Plastics Recycling/Recovery Rate Survey, Glossary of Terms, R.W. Beck & Associates).
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- Branche/Gebiet Kunststoffe
- Kategorie Kunststoffgrundstoffe
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Branche/Gebiet Urlaub Kategorie Kirchliche Feiertage
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Browers Terms By Category
- Allgemeines Finanzwesen(7677)
- Fonds(1299)
- Warenbörse(874)
- Private Equity(515)
- Rechnungswesen(421)
- Immobilieninvestition(192)
Finanzdienstleistungen(11765) Terms
- Osteopathy(423)
- Akupunktur(18)
- Alternative Psychotherapie(17)
- Ayurveda(9)
- Homöopathie(7)
- Naturheilkunde(3)
Alternative Therapie(489) Terms
- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- Papierproduktion(220)
- Glasfaser(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- Glas(45)
Produktion(1257) Terms
- Biochemie(4818)
- Molekularbiologie(4701)
- Microbiology(1476)
- Ökologie(1425)
- Toxikologie(1415)
- Zellbiologie(1236)
Biologie(22133) Terms
- Handwerkzeuge(59)
- Gartengeräte(45)
- General tools(10)
- Bauwerkzeuge(2)
- Pinsel(1)