Startseite > Begriffe > Kroatisch (HR) > Eklipsa


Eclipse is the third novel in the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. It continues the story of 18-year-old Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Eclipse is preceded by New Moon and followed by Breaking Dawn.

In this novel Victoria has created an army called “newborns” to battle the Cullen family and murder Bella for revenge due to the murder of James, Victoria’s love, in Twilight. Eclipse is about how Bella fights for her life and how the Cullen family joins forces with the werewolves to protect her.

Eclipse was the fourth bestselling book of 2008, only behind Twilight, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn, and was also ranked #1 on Publishers Weekly's list of "Bestselling Hardcover Backlist Children's Books" in 2008 with over 4.5 million copies sold.

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