Category: Science
Created by: SharfuddinR
Number of Blossarys: 11
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Cones are of three different types of cells, each responds to Red, Green, Blue [RGB]wave lengths of light. Re-Green-Blue are the primary hues. Thus, through these cones all colors are seen. ...
Fovea, the most central part of Retina has the largest concentration of cells. Each cell is believed to be connected directly to the brain through own nerves. Foveal vision is based upon Cones and ...
The muscular shutter at the entrance to the eye controls the amount of light enters in to it. If the light is strong, the muscles automatically close the Iris [ shutter] so that the eye is not ...
The light enters thru Iris is collected by Lens to Focus on the Retina at the back of eye. It is too operates by muscular control in coordination with the Iris. The movement is complex. The movement ...
The outer boundaries of Retina. The area cannot resolve the fine detail, but can pick up faint images and respond well to changes of brightness and the motion. Peripheral vision is mostly based upon ...
The back cover of the eye. Retina is directly connected to the brain by nerves which transmit impulses in such a way that the Retina is a light sensitive expansion of brain. The back cover or retina ...
Rods are one of the two types of receptor cells of retina, responds to intensity of light over the field of view. These cells are sensitive to brightness of light and covers evenly the whole surface ...
By: SharfuddinR