Created by: kschimmel
Number of Blossarys: 8
A verb is a word that indicates action or a state of being. Examples of verbs indicating action include, for example: run, jump, think, drove, talked. States of being are indicated by "be" verbs ...
Writing done in the third person uses the pronouns he, she, it, and they. The writing is from the point of view of an outside observer. News stories are one example of writing generally done in ...
A suffix is a letter or letters added tothe end of a word to modify its meaning. One common suffix is -s or -es, used to change a noun from singular to plural. An example would be one fox, two ...
A composition is written in second person if it is written as if the writer is speaking to another person. The personal pronoun "you" is used or understood. This voice is often used in "how to" ...
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. The pronoun should match the noun it replaces in gender and number (plural or singular.) For example, Mr. Brown can be replaced by he. The ...
A prefix consists of letters placed before a word in order to form a new word. Common prefixes in the English language include: un-, dis-, pre-, post-, and en-. For example, the prefix un- is used ...
A noun is a word that stands for a person, place, thing, or idea. Some examples of English nouns are: child, office, cat, car, democracy. Plural nouns indicate more than one of something, e.g. ...
By: kschimmel