Startseite > Begriffe > Bosnisch (BS) > izjava o korištenju (SOU)

izjava o korištenju (SOU)

a sworn statement signed by the applicant or a person authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant attesting to use of the mark in commerce. With a statement of use, the owner must submit: (1) a filing fee of $100 per class of goods/services; and (2) one specimen showing use of the mark in commerce for each class of goods/services.

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Vesna Kovacevic
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Branche/Gebiet Körperpflegeprodukte Kategorie Make-up


Obično breskvasto ili ružičasto isticanje, koristi se za stvaranje prirodnih ružičastih obraza. Primijenjen pravilno, rumenilo može stvoriti osvježeni ...

Glossare mit Abbildungen

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