Contributors in Früchte



Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

A strongly-flavored berry made up of many connecting drupelets (individual sacs of fruit, each with its own seed). Varieties include golden, black, and red. The red type is the most common. Attached ...


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

The rhubarb is a very tart member of the buckwheat family. It is generally eaten as a fruit but is actually a vegetable. It is used in sauces, jams, and desserts. Rhubarb leaves contain the toxin ...


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

The large, dark-green, slightly acidic and pulpy flesh of the fruit of a small West Indies tree called the soursop. Also called "guanabana."


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

This hardy member of the rose family is a red, juicy sweet-tart berry. The French "European Alpine" strawberries are tiny, very sweet berries and are considered the finest. Eaten out-of-hand, used in ...


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

Die Blauschwarzer Beeren dieser Pflanze sind glatt-enthäutet, rund, saftig und süß. Suchen Sie nach fest, gleichmäßig große Heidelbeeren, die indigo blau mit einem silbernen Frost sind.


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

Erstellt von Gärtner Rudolph Boysen 1923 durch die Kreuzung einer Himbeere, Brombeeren und ein Loganbeere. Es ist geformt wie eine große Himbeere und hat eine reiche süß-scharf-Aroma.


Obst & Gemüse; Früchte

These are the largest of the wild berries, up to 1" long when mature. Look for plump, deep colored berries without hulls. (If hulls are present, the berries were picked too early and will be tart.) ...

Glossare mit Abbildungen

Care for Natural Black Hair

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Municipal Bonds

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