Startseite > Begriffe > Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch (XL) > variedad recomendada

variedad recomendada

The variety that has the desirable traits and attributes for a particular environment and can be expected to produce and grow well in that environment, recommended by competent authority/agency for cultivation in that environment.

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Ausgewählte Begriffe

Francisca Bittner
  • 0


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  • 8


Branche/Gebiet Feste Kategorie Weihnachten


Baratijas y ornamentos brillantes, fabricados tradicionalmente de vidrio y utilizados en las decoraciones de Navidad.

Glossare mit Abbildungen

Haunted Places Around The World

Kategorie: Entertainment   65 10 Begriffe

Oil Companies In China

Kategorie: Business   2 4 Begriffe

Browers Terms By Category