Startseite > Begriffe > Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch (XL) > variedad
1). A group of cultivated plants within a species which is distinguished from another variety (group) by any characters (morphologic, physiological, biochemical, or other) of significance to agriculture and which, when reproduced, retains its distinguishing characters. A variety may be derived from several pure lines which have many common features and are reasonably uniform in appearance (but not necessarily genetically pure). 2). A group of similar plants which, by structural features and performance, may be identified from other varieties (groups) in the same species. It differs from a breeding line in that it has been named and made commercially available to farmers. 3). A subdivision of a species; a group of individuals within a species which are distinct in form or function from other similar arrays of individuals in commercial production. Variety is synonymous with cultivar.
- Wortart: Nomen
- Synonym(e)
- Blossary
- Branche/Gebiet Landwirtschaft
- Kategorie Reisanbau
- Company: IRRI
- Produkt
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Bilateral significa dos lados o dos puntos de vista. En el mundo político, refiere a negociaciones, discusiones o debates entre dos países, estados o ...
Glossare mit Abbildungen
Rita Lapulevel
payment in foreign trade

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- Atmosphärenchemie(558)
- Wind(46)
- Wolken(40)
- Stürme(37)
Wetter(10671) Terms
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- Schauspielerei (2)
- Bühnen(1)
- Kostüm(1)
Drama(507) Terms
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- Fusionen & Übernahmen(316)
- Humanressourcen(287)
- Umzug(217)
- Marketing(207)
- Eventplanung(177)
Dienstleistungen(2022) Terms
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- Geografie(671)
- Städte & Orte(554)
- Länder & Territorien(515)
- Hauptstädte(283)
- Humangeographie(103)
Geografie(4630) Terms
- Weihnachten(52)
- Ostern(33)
- Frühlingsfest(22)
- Erntedankfest(15)
- Spanische Feste(11)
- Halloween(3)