Startseite > Begriffe > Serbisch (SR) > Praška škola

Praška škola

Ovu uticajnu strukturalističku i fukcionalističku grupu lingvistu osnovali su 1926. godine u Pragu češki i ruski lingvisti, iako je termin "Praška škola" upotrebljen tek 1932. godine. Naistaknutiji članovi ove grupe su: Viljem Matesijus (1882-1946), Bohuslav Havranek (1893-1978), Jan Mukarovski (1891-1975), Nikolaj Trubeckoj (1890-1938) i Roman Jakobson (1896-1982).

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Branche/Gebiet Kunsthandwerk Kategorie Ölgemälde

Mona Liza

The Mona Lisa is widely recognized as one of the most famous paintings in the history of art. It is a half-length portrait of a seated woman painted ...