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Жаңа Ағылшын өнер клубы

Founded in London in 1886 as an exhibiting society by artists influenced by Impressionism and whose work was rejected by the conservative Royal Academy. Key early members were Whistler (although he soon resigned) Sickert and Steer. Others in the first show included Clausen, Stanhope Forbes and Sargent. Initially avant-garde the NEAC quickly became increasingly conservative and Sickert and Steer formed an 'Impressionist nucleus' within it, staging their own show London Impressionists in 1889. NEAC remained important as showcase for advanced art until 1911 when challenged by the Camden Town Group and London Group, and continued to be influential into the 1920s with artists such as Augustus John and Stanley Spencer exhibiting. It still exists, now preserving the Impressionist tradition.

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