Startseite > Begriffe > Kasachisch (KK) > шеңбер және төртбұрыш
шеңбер және төртбұрыш
French abstract group founded in Paris in 1929 by critic and artist Michel Seuphor and artist Joaquín Torres García. They published a periodical of the same name and held a major group exhibition in 1930. This included 130 works by a wide range of abstract artists. The group strongly supported new developments in abstract art and in particular promoted the mystical tendency within it. Cercle et Carré was absorbed by Abstraction-Création when the latter was founded in 1933, but Torres García continued the publication in Montevideo in his native Uruguay.
- Wortart: Eigenname
- Synonym(e) circle_and_square
- Blossary
- Branche/Gebiet Kunstgeschichte
- Kategorie Kunstgeschichte allgemein
- Company: Tate
- Produkt
- Akronym-Abkürzung:
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Glossare mit Abbildungen
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Kategorie: Geschichte 1
10 Begriffe

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