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1. Said of a technological change or technological difference if it is not biased in favor of using more or less of one factor than another. This can be defined in several different ways that are not normally equivalent: Hicks-neutral, Harrod-neutral, and Solow-neutral. 2. Said of economic growth if it expands actual or potential output of all goods at the same rate, not being biased in favor of one over another. In the Heckscher-Ohlin Model neutral growth will occur if all factor endowments grow at the same rate or if there is Hicks Neutral technological progress at the same rate in all industries. 3. Said of a trade regime if the structure of protection favors neither exportables nor importables. See bias.

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Tatevik Gyulamiryan
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Branche/Gebiet Bildung Kategorie Unterricht

բանավոր հմտություններ

skills or abilities in oral speech, ability of speech, fluency in speaking

Glossare mit Abbildungen

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