Startseite > Begriffe > Armenisch (HY) > համախառն ազգային արդյունք (ՀԱԱ)

համախառն ազգային արդյունք (ՀԱԱ)

Another measure of a country's economic performance. It is calculated by adding to GDP the income earned by residents from investments abroad, less the corresponding income sent home by foreigners who are living in the country.

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Վիկտորիաս Սիքրեթ

A US retailer of premium quality women's fashion wear, lingerie and beauty products. Victoria's Secret is known for its annual fashion runway show, ...

Glossare mit Abbildungen

Top 5 TV series of 2014

Kategorie: Entertainment   1 4 Begriffe

Womens Rights in Zimbabwe

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