Startseite > Begriffe > Kroatisch (HR) > aplikacija


Users can add applications to their profiles, pages, and groups. There are dozens upon dozens of applications to choose from. Some are built by Facebook. Most are built by external developers. Visit the Application Directory to learn more.  See General Application Support for Q&A.

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Marija Horvat
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  • 21


  • 2


Branche/Gebiet Getränke Kategorie Smoothies

smoothie od manga

Mango je teško pronaći zreo, tako da se recepti za smoothie od manga koriste povremeno. Mango ima vrlo sladak okus i dosta je sočan. Okus manga je ...

Glossare mit Abbildungen


Kategorie: Kultur   1 9 Begriffe

Indonesia Famous Landmarks

Kategorie: Reisen   2 6 Begriffe