U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Branche: Government
Number of terms: 11131
Number of blossaries: 0
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A positively charged ion.
A heavily shielded container used for the dry storage or shipment (or both) of radioactive materials such as spent nuclear fuel or other high-level radioactive waste. Casks are often made from lead, concrete, or steel. Casks must meet regulatory requirements and are not intended for long-term disposal in a repository.
The ratio of the available capacity (the amount of electrical power actually produced by a generating unit) to the theoretical capacity (the amount of electrical power that could theoretically have been produced if the generating unit had operated continuously at full power) during a given time period.
A percentage representing the extent to which a generating unit fulfilled its capacity in generating electric power over a given time period. This percentage is defined as the margin between the unit’s available capacity (the amount of electrical power the unit actually produced) and its theoretical capacity (the amount of electrical power that could have been produced if the unit had operated continuously at full power) during a certain time period. Capacity utilization is computed by dividing the amount actually produced by the theoretical capacity, and multiplying by 100.
One of two elements in a two-part pricing method used in capacity transactions (the other element is the energy charge). The capacity charge, sometimes called the demand charge, is assessed on the capacity (amount of electric power) being purchased.
The amount of electric power that a generating unit can produce. The amount of electric power that a manufacturer rates its generator, turbine transformer, transmission, circuit, or system, is able to produce.
The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can carry under specified conditions for a given period of time without exceeding approved limits of temperature and stress.
The adjustment, as necessary, of a measuring device such that it responds within the required range and accuracy to known values of input.
As defined by NRC regulations includes any radioactive material (except enriched uranium or plutonium) produced by a nuclear reactor. It also includes the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium or the fabrication of fuel for nuclear reactors. Additionally, it is any material that has been made radioactive through the use of a particle accelerator or any discrete source of radium-226 used for a commercial, medical, or research activity. In addition, the NRC, in consultation with the EPA, DOE, DHS and others, can designate as byproduct material any source of naturally-occurring radioactive material, other than source material, that it determines would pose a threat to public health and safety or the common defense and security of the United States.
The amount of heat required to change the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at sea level.