The Economist Newspaper Ltd
Branche: Economy; Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 15233
Number of blossaries: 1
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Gibi insanlar zengin olsun, onlar daha fazla tüketmek. Bu servet etkisi para politikası açısından önemli sonuçları vardır. Varken bir faiz oranı artırmak, varlıkların gelecek geliri hisse senetleri önce daha yüksek bir oranda indirimli gerekir gibi. Dolayısıyla onların sahipleri fakir hissediyorum ve daha az harcama. Faiz oranlarında bir kesim ters etkiye sahiptir. Ekonomistlerin hemfikir tüketimi servet esnekliğini: ne kadar tüketici harcamaları artarak, servet dersen, % 1 artış olur. Farklı tüketicilerin, farklı servet esneklik olabilir. Eğer giderse zenginlik artışı en yoksul insanlar için bu var farklı bir servet etkisi daha çoğunu zaten zengin olan insanlar için gitti. Zenginlik artışı kaynağı da önemli. Hisse fiyatları artış veya faiz oranları düşersen, tüketicilerin artış-ebilmek var olmak geçici düşünüyorsanız artan mallarını dışında geçirmek yavaş olabilir. Ancak, hisse fiyatları keskin bir artış kalıcı ve borsa sonra Geriledi düşünürlerse, sonucu tüketiminin yeterli tarafından bir durgunluk neden düşüyor olabilir. Yükselen konut fiyatları servet etkisi özellikle belirsizdir.
In most countries, the majority of wealth is concentrated in a fairly small number of hands. This makes a wealth tax appealing to politicians, as it should allow substantial amounts of revenue to be raised from comparatively few people, allowing the tax burden on the majority of the population to be kept down. It also appeals because it promotes meritocracy by making it harder to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. A wealth tax reduces the disparities in wealth rather than income that are the biggest determinant of how the scales are weighted for succeeding generations. What could be better than a tax that produces lots of money for the government and strikes most voters as being extremely fair? Alas, as critics point out, wealth taxes may cause inefficiency by discouraging wealth-creating economic activities. Moreover, the revenue collected may prove disappointing. The wealthiest people are often the most skilled at tax avoidance, not least because they can afford good tax accountants. Despite the enormous concentration of wealth in a small part of the population, on average across the OECD wealth taxes account for less than 2% of total tax revenue. A wealth tax can achieve horizontal equity and vertical equity (so that people of similar means pay the same and those with more pay more) in ways that income tax cannot. For instance, neither a poor person nor a rich person with no income would pay income tax, and only the rich person would pay the wealth tax. Wealth taxes come in two main forms. Capital transfer taxes are levied when wealth changes hands, either at death (inheritance tax) or through donation (gift tax). Annual wealth taxes are levied each year as a fraction of the taxpayer’s net worth. Some people regard capital gains tax as a wealth tax, but, strictly speaking, it is a tax on the income earned on capital, rather than a wealth tax on the capital itself.
At the start of the 21st century, the total output of the American economy weighed roughly the same as it did 100 years earlier. Yet the value of that output, in real terms, was 20 times greater. Output is increasingly weightless, produced from intellectual capital rather than physical materials. Production has shifted from steel, heavy copper wire and vacuum tubes to microprocessors, fine fiber-optic cables and transistors. Services have increased their share of GDP. This weightless or dematerialized economy, most economists agree, is not just lighter but also more efficient.
Amerikalılar refah devlet dinleyici yoksullara stenografi kullanın. Ekonomistler kullanmak iyi bir birey veya toplumun olduğu gibi varlık tanımlamak için "vergi kesintileri refahı artırıcı?". Bu şey ekonomist BT için "vergi kesintileri, ülkenin genel olarak iyi olmak geliştirmek olacaktır?" (Bkz.)
Ekonomik bir kalp. Ekonomik faaliyet farklı formları ve kıt kaynakların tahsis etme yöntemleri farklı etkiler farklı bireyler veya ülke iyi olmak. Refah ekonomisi verimlilik yanı sıra, eşitlik hakkında sorular üzerinde duruluyor.
Önce vergi geliri veya sermaye vergisi uygulandığı gördü, kaynağı toplanan vergi. Başka bir deyişle, o kısmı gelir veya sermaye nedeniyle vergi vergi tevkif içinde kim bu nedenle kolayca vergi ödeyen kaçamazsın. Stopaj vergileri, faiz ve temettü sık uygulanan.
An institution created with the IMF at Bretton Woods in 1944 and opened in 1946. The World Bank has three main branches: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Agency (IDA) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Collectively, it aims to promote economic development in the world’s poorer countries through advice and long-term lending, averaging $30 ¬billion a year, spread around 100 countries. Critics of the World Bank say that it often worsens the problems facing developing countries. Its advice has often been guided by economic fashion, which led it to support a centrally planned brand of development economics in the 1960s and 1970s, before switching to privatization and structural adjustment in the 1980s and then to promoting democracy and economic transparency, and attacking crony capitalism, in the late 1990s. Until recently, it has generally supported big, ¬high-profile projects rather than more economically useful smaller schemes. It has often failed to ensure that its loans have been spent on the intended project. Its willingness to pump money into struggling countries creates a potential moral hazard, in which politicians may have little incentive to govern well because they believe that, if they do a bad job, the World Bank will come to the rescue. The increase in private-sector lending to and investment in emerging markets has led to growing discussion of whether the World Bank is any longer needed.
Bête noire of anti-globalization protesters. The World Trade Organization is the governing body of international trade, setting and enforcing the rules of trade and punishing offenders. Established during the Uruguay Round of talks under the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT), it opened for business in 1995 with a membership of 132 countries (rising to 146 by 2003). Countries used to break GATT rules with impunity. They seem to be finding it harder to do so under the WTO. Even so, protestors complain that it does not promote fair trade but does promote the interest of rich countries over poorer one. Supporters of free trade, including The Economist, reckon that all countries are better off as part of a well-regulated international trading system, and that the WTO is the most likely source of the good regulation that is needed.
Producing output at the minimum possible cost. This is not enough to ensure the best sort of economic efficiency, which maximizes society’s total consumer plus producer surplus, because the quantity of output produced may not be ideal. For instance, a monopoly can be an X-efficient producer, but in order to maximize its profit it may produce a different quantity of output than there would be in a surplus-maximizing market with perfect competition.
Güvenlik geçerli piyasa fiyatı yüzde olarak ifade edilen bir güvenlik, yıllık geliri. Fiyatı tarafından bölünmüş, temettü paylaşımında verimidir. Bono verimi de kendi faiz oranıdır: yıllık kupon piyasa fiyatı ile ayrılır.