- Branche: Semiconductors
- Number of terms: 7260
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Texas Instruments (TI) designs and manufactures analog and digital semiconductor IC products for the world market. In addition to analog technologies, digital signal processing (DSP) and microcontroller (MCU) semiconductors, TI designs and manufactures semiconductor solutions for analog and digital ...
An internal bus that carries instruction code and immediate operands, as well as table information, from programme memory to the CPU.
The byte in a multibyte word that has the least influence on the value of the word.
A block of memory reserved for storing return addresses for subroutines and interrupt service routines.
A period of time that the CPU must wait for external program, data, or I/O memory to respond when reading from or writing to that external memory. The CPU waits one extra cycle for every wait state.
An internal bus that carries the address for each read from data memory.
The byte in a multibyte word that has the most influence on the value of the word.
A peripheral that transfers the contents of memory locations independently of the processor (except for initialization).
An internal bus that provides the addresses for program-memory reads and writes.
The cable provided by a monitor manufacturer that connects a video graphics array (VGA) source to the monitor.