Texas A&M University
Branche: Education
Number of terms: 34386
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1876, Texas A&M University is a U.S. public and comprehensive university offering a wide variety of academic programs far beyond its original label of agricultural and mechanical trainings. It is one of the few institutions holding triple federal designations as a land-, sea- and ...
The study of sound propagation in the ocean and its underlying sediments. This ranges from the earliest use of depth soundings to chart the ocean floor to the use of SONAR to locate schools of fish, underwater vehicles and ocean drifters to the most recent applications of acoustic tomography to infer large-scale properties of the ocean and the ocean floor.
Industry:Earth science
Descriptor for a physical property (e.g. density, etc. ) that varies depending on the direction in which it is measured.
Industry:Earth science
A component of ACSYS designed to investigate the feedback between changes in the upper Arctic Ocean and its ice cover and changes in the global heat balance. The AOCP consists of four components: * Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Survey - A program to collect a high quality hydrographic database representative of the Arctic Ocean with the goal of determining the general circulation and its transit times, and the rate of transformation of the different water masses. * Arctic Ocean Shelf Studies - A program aimed at understanding how the shelf processes partition salt and fresh water components, how the resulting buoyancy fluxes are coupled to the ocean interior, at defining the dynamics and thermodynamics of the shelf waters sufficiently to permit realistic modeling, and at determining the variability on the shelves and how that affects the interior ocean. * Arctic Ocean Variability Project - A program designed to assess the variability of the circulation and density structure of the Arctic Ocean including exchanges with the surrounding seas, to find the rates and variability of the processes important in maintaining present ocean conditions, and to provide a basis for further monitoring of climate change in the Arctic. * Arctic Ocean Climate Database Project - A project to establish a universally available digital hydrographic database for the Arctic Ocean for analysis of climate-related processes and variability, and to provide a dataset suitable for the initialization and verification of Arctic climate and circulation models.
Industry:Earth science
A band of westward transport all across the North Atlantic at about the latitude of the Azores. The driving mechanism is an anomaly in the meridional change of the wind stress curl in the eastern North Atlantic.
Industry:Earth science
A phenomenon encountered when sampling a continuous function to produce values at discrete points. If the sampling frequency isn't high enough to resolve the highest frequency signal present in the continuous function, then the high frequency information above the sampling frequency will appear as a false enhancement of (or, equivalently, be aliased onto) a related lower frequency in the computed power spectrum.
Industry:Earth science
In atmospheric radiative transfer, a collection of absorption lines in a particular frequency interval.
Industry:Earth science
A numerical model that has fully dynamical atmosphere and ocean components that are somehow coupled.
Industry:Earth science
A 65-80 year cycle with a 0. 4°C range observed in North Atlantic sea surface temperature for 1856-1999. AMO warm phases occurred during 1860-1880 and 1940-1960, with cool phases during 190-1925 and 1970-1990. The signal is global in scope, with a positively correlated co-oscillation in parts of the North Pacific, although it is most intense in the North Atlantic and covers the entire basin. During AMO warmings most of the U. S. experiences less than normal rainfall, including Midwest droughts in the 1930s and 1950s. Mississippi River outflow varies by 10% between warm and cool phases. The geographical pattern of variability is influenced mainly by changes in summer rain. Winter patterns of interannual rainfall variability associated with ENSO are significantly changed between AMO phases.
Industry:Earth science
The local name given to strong, northwesterly squalls on the north coast of the island of Celebes that occur most frequently from December to February.
Industry:Earth science
In oceanography, the vertically varying circulation associated with horizontal imhomogeneities in the stratification of the oceans.
Industry:Earth science