Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
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Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
Pulses that occur during the vertical sync interval, at twice the normal horizontal scan rate. These pulses ensure correct 2:1 interlacing and eliminate the buildup of DC offset.
Obtaining a value from a table of values stored in the computer.
A device that allows transitions between different video pictures. May contain special effects generators. Also called production switcher or switcher.
In a scanning standard, the number of raster lines that contain the vertical extent of a white flatfield between the 50% response points, top and bottom.
A term to describe equipment that can work in more than one resolution. Dedicated TV equipment is designed to operate at a single resolution although some modern equipment, especially that using the ITU-R 601 standard, can switch between the specific formats and aspect ratios of 525/60 and 625/50. By their nature, computers can handle files of any size, so when applied to imaging, they are termed resolution independent. As the images get bigger, so the amount of processing, storage, and data transfer demanded increases in proportion to the resulting file size. So, for a given platform, the speed of operation slows. Other considerations when changing image resolution may be reformatting disks, checking if the RAM is sufficient to handle the required size of file, allowing extra time for RAM/disk caching, and how to show the picture on an appropriate display.
Video scrambling technique, used with horizontal blanking inversion, active video inversion, or both. In split sync, the horizontal sync pulse is “split,” with the second half of the pulse at +100 IRE instead of the standard –40 IRE. Depending on the scrambling mode, either the entire horizontal blanking interval is inverted about the +30 IRE axis, the active video (after color burst and until the beginning of front porch blanking) is inverted about the +30 IRE axis, both are inverted, or neither is inverted. By splitting the horizontal sync pulse, a reference of both –40 IRE and +100 IRE is available to the descrambler. Since a portion of the horizontal sync is still at –40 IRE, some sync separators may still lock on the shortened horizontal sync pulses. However, the timing circuits that look for color burst a fixed interval after the beginning of horizontal sync may be confused. In addition, if the active video is inverted, some video information may fall below 0 IRE, possibly confusing sync detector circuits. The burst is always present at the correct frequency and timing, however, the phase is shifted 180 degrees when the horizontal blanking interval is inverted.
The process for converting one color difference signal format to another. See the discussion on Matrix.
A camera tube in which the optical image falls on a photo-emissive cathode which emits electrons that are focused on a target at high velocity. The target is scanned from the rear by a low-velocity electron beam. Return beam modulation is amplified by an electron multiplier to form an overall light-sensitive device.
The interface used to communicate with the system after it is powered up, but before it is booted up and running IRIX.
A term used to describe a picture condition in which vertical or nearly vertical lines have a sawtooth appearance. The result of scanning lines starting at relatively different points during the horizontal scan.