- Branche:
- Number of terms: 1305
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
An American non-profit public broadcasting television service
Healthcare providers who have contracted with a managed care plan to provide eligible healthcare services to members of that plan.
Industry:Health care
The organisation responsible for the costs of healthcare services. A payer may be private insurance, the government, or an employer's self-funded plan.
Industry:Health care
A term that describes the income level a person or family must have to be eligible for Medicaid.
Industry:Health care
A health professional who provides primary and/or specialty care to patients under the supervision of a physician.
Industry:Health care
This system would provide coverage for all people by requiring employers either to provide health insurance for their employees and dependents (play) or pay a contribution to a publicly-provided system that covers uninsured or unemployed people without private insurance (pay).
Industry:Health care
A person's ability to keep his or her health coverage during times of change in health status or personal situation (such as change in employment or unemployment, marriage or divorce) or while moving between health plans.
Industry:Health care
Healthcare services received by a woman immediately following the delivery of her child
Industry:Health care
The process where, before a patient can be admitted to the hospital or receive other types of specialty services, the managed care company must approve of the proposed service in order to cover it.
Industry:Health care
A medical condition or diagnosis that began before coverage began under a current plan or insurance contract. The insurance company may provide coverage but will specifically exclude treatment for such a condition from that person's coverage for a certain period of time, often six months to a year.
Industry:Health care
The amount paid periodically to buy health insurance coverage. Employers and employees usually share the cost of premiums.
Industry:Health care