Branche: History
Number of terms: 6623
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The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources edited by Dr. Andrea R. Harbin.
1) Part of a building semi-circular in plan. 2) Semicircular or polygonal end to a building.
1) A special obligation of a vassal to provide money for such occasions as his lord's ransom, the marriage of his daughter, the knighting of his son, or for going on Crusade. 2) Payment to the king on specified occasions - his own ransom, the knighting of his eldest son, the marriage of his eldest daughter once - or to meet a special emergency.
A pointed arch struck from two centres below the springing line.
A closed helmet consisting of the rounded cap of the bascinet with two cheek pieces overlapping at the front when closed.
Longitudinal horizontal beam carried on the arcade posts of an aisled hall to support the rafters of nave and aisle. Square-set, then developed into a purlin.
Arch with curves struck from four centres, the two outer (lower) arcs struck from the springing line, the inner (upper) from below the springing line. In later work the upper arcs are represented by straight lines.
First year's income paid to the papacy by the incumbent of a benefice to which he had been papally provided.
Often rough, placed in the wall over an opening to relieve it of superincumbent weight.
An ambler or pacing horse, which moves by lifting the two feet on one side together, alternately with the two feet on the other.
A renunciation, under oath, of heresy to the Christian faith, made by a Christian wishing to be reconciled with the church.