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The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS), commonly referred to as Disney, is an American diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered in Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, California, United States. It is the largest media conglomerate in the world in terms of revenue. Founded on October ...
Obi-Wan Kenobi, conhecido mais tarde como Ben Kenobi durante seu exílio, foi um lendário Mestre Jedi que desempenharam um papel significativo no destino da galáxia durante os últimos dias da República Galáctica. Foi o mentor e mestre de Anakin e Luke Skywalker, formação tanto nos caminhos da força. Teve uma carreira longa e tumultuosa que ajudou a moldar o destino da galáxia inteira.
Nascido em 57 BBY em Stewjon, Kenobi foi tomado como o aprendiz de Jedi de Qui-Gon Jinn e viajou em muitas missões com ele. Em 32 BBY, Kenobi tornou-se o primeiro Jedi em cerca de 1.000 anos para derrotar um Lorde Sith em combate, quando ele derrotou Darth Maul durante a segunda batalha de Theed. Em 22 Aby, Kenobi encontrou o exército de clones em Kamino, e ele foi capturado e executado quase na Petranaki arena em Geonosis, juntamente com Skywalker e senador Padmé Amidala. o recém-chegado clone troopers resgataram-los, mas a batalha seguinte começou as guerras do Clone de toda a galáxia.
Mace Windu era masculino Korun Jedi mestre lendário status era o mestre da ordem nos dias que antecederam a batalha de Geonosis, depois que ele deu o título de Grão-Mestre Yoda. Vindo do mundo da Haruun Kal, Mace Windu, serviu como um dos últimos membros do Alto Conselho Jedi antes do grande expurgo de Jedi. Servindo no Conselho, Windu era frequentemente considerado perdendo apenas para o Grão-Mestre Yoda, embora Windu foi junior do Yoda de oito séculos. Windu sabedoria e poder foram considerados lendários por muitos, como foram o peso de suas palavras.
Amplamente considerado um dos melhores espadachins na ordem Jedi, Windu criado Vaapad, a forma moderna de sétima de combate de sabre de luz que ele domina. Ele era o único praticante do formulário que não caem para o lado negro. Windu serviu a ordem Jedi toda a sua vida, treinando vários Jedi, incluindo Depa Billaba e Echuu Shen-Jon.
Foi mestre Windu que liderou dois duzentos e doze Jedi em combate na batalha de Geonosis e matou o infame caçador de recompensas Jango Fett. Continuou a servir a República durante as guerras do Clone, muitas vezes na linha de frente da luta feroz, onde liderou as forças de República como um General Jedi alta. Nos últimos dias da guerra, Windu confrontada e derrotou Darth Sidious em um duelo difícil. Foi, finalmente, traído por Anakin Skywalker e posteriormente morto por Sidious, caindo para a morte da janela do escritório de na Sidious.
Um Jedi era um membro da ordem Jedi, que estudou, serviu e usado as energias místicas da força; Geralmente, o lado iluminado da força. a arma dos Jedi foi o sabre de luz, uma arma com uma lâmina feita de energia pura. The Jedi lutou pela paz e justiça na República Galáctica, geralmente contra seus inimigos mortais, os Sith e Jedi escuro, que estudou o lado negro da força. Embora a ordem foi quase destruída três vezes, primeiro pelos Sith Império de Darth Revan, em seguida, 300 anos mais tarde por Darth Malgus e 4.000 anos depois que o grande expurgo de Jedi de Darth Sidious, ordem viveu na devida em grande parte aos esforços de Luke Skywalker, que forjou uma nova ordem Jedi para defender o primeiro da nova Repúblicae mais tarde seu sucessor, a Federação Galáctica de alianças grátis.
Darth Plagueis—born under the name of Hego Damask and remembered as Darth Plagueis the Wise—was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation, who lived during the century leading up to the Invasion of Naboo. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians.
His great contribution to the history of the galaxy was training Darth Sidious in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, whom he incited to take control of the galaxy and bring about an age of the Sith. Sidious, convinced that his master had outlived his usefulness, eventually killed the Muun in his sleep.
Sidious later recounted the tale as The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise—an "old Sith legend"—to sway Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, though Plagueis himself remained a mysterious figure to the Jedi and their allies well into the time of the Galactic Alliance.
Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Since Mygeeto was locked in an ice age, giant crystallized glaciation and ice covered its surface, as well as huge crystal spurs. Because of this, Mygeeto meant "gem" in the ancient trade language of the Muuns. Mygeeto's internal fires long since cooled and had left a colossal deposit of precious stones within its crust and mantle. The immense assets of nova crystals and fields of lasing crystals made Mygeeto one of the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. It hosted artesian crystals and relacite. The planet's ice shelves were home to a species of huge and aggressive worm-like creatures. In addition, the planet itself was enveloped by an asteroid field.
Mygeeto was not composed of a uniform terrain; instead it was composed of many different kinds of terrain. There was no reported volcanic activity on the planet, meaning that the planet's interior was stable. The immense amount of precious metals found in the crust supports the theory that Mygeeto's volcanic activities had been dormant for some time.
Few cities existed on Mygeeto's sunken surface. These cities drew power from synthesized crystals which were constructed in large capacitor towers that stored and distributed the valuable energy drawn from the crystal. These cities were used mainly for administering the surrounding crystal mines, though they also contained vaults which were used by the InterGalactic Banking Clan.
Nearly all of the planet's surface was covered in thick ice, and the polar climate caused massive snow storms that battered the frigid surface almost continuously. Before the giant ice age, Mygeeto had climate ranging form polar to temperate—30% of Mygeeto was covered in polar ice caps and 70 was either tundra or temperate. Temperature varied between -47 degrees in polar areas to 17 degrees in equatorial areas.
Every 200 years or so, Mygeeto would go through a snow shift meaning snowfall would be persistent and low pressure would dominate the northern hemisphere. This would also mean Mygeeto's mean temperature would dip significantly affecting the whole planet.
Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
A Death Star was a moon-sized Imperial military battlestation armed with a planet-destroying superlaser.
The Death Stars, whose concept had been explored even before the Clone Wars, were the first in a long series of superweapons developed to execute the Tarkin Doctrine. The Death Star was designed to allow Emperor Palpatine to more directly control the Galactic Empire through fear. In most instances, a Death Star was to be commanded by a Moff.
One Death Star was completely built by the Empire, with a second and third one never reaching full completion, as well as a prototype being in existence. In addition, a scaled-down version, the Tarkin, and a Hutt knockoff, the Darksaber, would be created by the Empire and Durga the Hutt, respectively.
Both Death Stars were destroyed by the Rebel Alliance shortly after they became operational. The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian. At some point after the second's destruction, the Rebel Alliance also attacked and destroyed a third Death Star. Following their destruction, other planet-devastating superweapons followed, including the Galaxy Gun, the Sun Crusher, and the World Devastators.
The Clone Wars (22–19 BBY), also known as the Clone War and the Great Clone War, was the name given to the major galactic conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The war was named after the clone troopers utilized by the Republic against the battle droid forces of the CIS. These armies, the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army, were two of the largest ever pitted against each other in galactic history, and the fighting between them rapidly spread to countless inhabited worlds.
Beginning with the First Battle of Geonosis, both sides scored significant victories over the other, and at different times during the war either seemed likely to triumph. The death of the Confederate Head of State Count Dooku during the Battle of Coruscant and that of the Confederate General Grievous during the Battle of Utapau, coupled with the issue of Order 66 and the deactivation of the droid army, brought an end to the fighting. At the time, it was the largest galactic conflict to date.
Unbeknownst to most of those involved, the conflict was started, maintained, and eventually ended by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, whose ultimate goal was the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire with him as Emperor as well as the eradication of the Jedi Order through the Great Jedi Purge. The conflict led to the Order of the Sith Lords controlling the dominant galactic government.
Mustafar is a fictional exoplanet in the Star Wars universe. It is depicted in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
The planet is covered by hundreds of caldera, most of which are in a state of constant eruption. The volcanic activity is caused by gravitational stresses on the planet created by the two gas giants that affect its orbit (similar to Jupiter's Galilean moons). An automated energy and mineral collection facility on the planet is used by the Separatist Council as their last headquarters
Despite its hellish conditions, Mustafar has developed native lifeforms. A sentient race known as Mustafarians developed in the cooler hollows of the planet. They are divided into two subspecies: the tall, thin Northern Mustafarians (led by the enigmatic "Maverick Main") and the shorter, hardier Southern Mustafarians (aka "The Mustafar Rats"). The Techno Union took an interest in the planet and the mineral-rich molten rivers covering its surface, and employed the Mustafarians to mine these minerals. The Mustafarians made use of native "lava fleas," as well as the Techno Union's technology that gave them further protection from the heat. The natives had little interest in outworld politics and were content to work on their homeworld.
As a planet controlled by the Techno Union, Mustafar was a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but remained largely untouched by the Clone Wars. As the war progressed, Count Dooku and the Separatist Council saw fit to build a fortified stronghold on Mustafar to be used in the event that the war against the Galactic Republic did not go well. The Techno Union, the Commerce Guild and the Trade Federation funded the costly fortress, which was designed to be able to withstand any prolonged assault. Mustafar's terrain and environment made it difficult enough to reach the bunker, but it was designed so that even if enemies could negotiate the terrain, they would be unable to take the fortress. Tractor beam and ray shield technology protected it from the lava rivers and its interior chambers were climate-controlled. This bunker was the setting for the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Dark Jedi is a label to a specific archetype of characters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe defined as Force-attuned beings that meet two requirements: They do not hold themselves to the dogma of either the Jedi or the Sith, and they use their Force abilities for less than virtuous acts that would normally be looked down upon by the Jedi Order. As it has been mentioned, the concept of Dark Jedi is not endorsed anywhere within either movie trilogy. Dark Jedi in the Expanded Universe typically refer to students of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy who have fallen to the dark side. Dark Jedi are also extremely common in the Knights of the Old Republic series in league with the Sith Empire and are often fallen Jedi from the Mandalorian Wars. Dark Jedi also appear in the Jedi Knight series of Star Wars video games, where Kyle Katarn uncovers Imperial plots linked to Dark Jedi. In Jedi Outcast, Katarn faces an entire army of Dark Jedi, cloned and lightly trained force users who follow the main antagonist. Dark Jedi have distanced from Sith in more modern Star Wars media. They are not sworn enemies of the Jedi Order and do not consider destroying it a priority as Sith do. Dark Jedi do not always appear in pairs with a master and apprentice and often work alone.
Because the term Sith was never spoken in the original trilogy (although Darth Vader was described as "Lord of the Sith" in the published screenplay), early Expanded Universe products usually considered the "evil Jedi," those who joined the dark side of the Force, as "Dark Jedi." In his novel series The Thrawn Trilogy, author Timothy Zahn labeled Sith Lord Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine as Dark Jedi, and the term "Sith" was never mentioned in the series until later reprints of the novels.
Overseen by the Council of First Knowledge, each academy was governed by an advisory Council appointed by their superiors on Coruscant. Mainstreaming the majority of teachings at the Temple, certain practices were permitted to vary from world to world. However, at all sanctioned academies, a group of Jedi Masters would instruct Initiates to the Order in the ways of the Force. The size of the school varied from world to world; some as small as to consist of a single clan of younglings, and as the large as the main academy housed within the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. Many academies had been established during the Old Sith Wars and were located in the Galactic Rim. Some were located on or near Force-wellsprings or places significant to the Order like crystal caves or nexuses of dark side energies that needed constant monitoring.
In addition to the traditional academies established by the Order, the Exploration Corps maintained several spacefaring mobile academies such as the Chu'unthor so that roaming the galaxy and exploring new worlds could be achieved while still teaching traditional doctrine.
By the fall of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY, many of the ancient academies had been shut down for decades, with the Council of First Knowledge preferring the central teachings of the Coruscant Temple. After the dissolution of the Order during the Great Jedi Purge, all orthodox Temples and academies were routed and burned in order to prevent any more Jedi from learning the secrets of the Force. However, the Galactic Empire's choke hold on Force-education did not last and the Order was reformed following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. When Grand Master Luke Skywalker began to expand his Order from a single class to the size of the old Order, he opened several old academies, as well as new facilities to promote growth within the Order.