Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Branche: Government
Number of terms: 15199
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The federal agency that runs the Medicare program. In addition, CMS works with the States to run the Medicaid program. CMS works to make sure that the beneficiaries in these programs are able to get high quality health care.
Tela alebo údaje záznam obsahuje informácie o jediného hodnotenia pacienta OASIS-B1.
An organization, chaired and hosted by the American Medical Association, that maintains the HCFA-1500 claim form and a set of data element specifications for professional claims submission via the HCFA-1500 claim form, the Professional EMC NSF, and the X12 837. The NUCC also maintains the Provider Taxonomy Codes and has a formal consultative role under HIPAA for all transactions affecting non-dental non-institutional professional health care services.
ACSC stands for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. ACSC conditions are medical conditions for which physicians broadly concur that a substantial proportion of cases should not advance to the point were hospitalization is needed if they are treated in a timely fashion with adequate primary care and managed properly on an outpatient basis.
A law passed in 1996 which is also sometimes called the "Kassebaum-Kennedy" law. This law expands your health care coverage if you have lost your job, or if you move from one job to another, HIPAA protects you and your family if you have: pre-existing medical conditions, and/or problems getting health coverage, and you think it is based on past or present health. HIPAA also: * limits how companies can use your pre-existing medical conditions to keep you from getting health insurance coverage; * usually gives you credit for health coverage you have had in the past; * may give you special help with group health coverage when you lose coverage or have a new dependent; and * generally, guarantees your right to renew your health coverage. HIPAA does not replace the states' roles as primary regulators of insurance.
Title II, Subtitle F, of HIPAA which authorizes HHS to: (1) adopt standards for transactions and code sets that are used to exchange health data; (2) adopt standard identifiers for health plans, health care providers, employers, and individuals for use on standard transactions; and (3) adopt standards to protect the security and privacy of personally identifiable health information.
The ratio of the present value of expenditures to the present value of the taxable payroll for the years in a given period. In this context, the expenditures are on an incurred basis and exclude costs for those uninsured persons for whom payments are reimbursed from the general fund of the Treasury, and for voluntary enrollees, who pay a premium in order to be enrolled. The summarized cost rate includes the cost of reaching and maintaining a "target" trust fund level, known as a contingency fund ratio. Because a trust fund level of about 1 year's expenditures is considered to be an adequate reserve for unforeseen contingencies, the targeted contingency fund ratio used in determining summarized cost rates is 100 percent of annual expenditures. Accordingly, the summarized cost rate is equal to the ratio of (1) the sum of the present value of the outgo during the period, plus the present value of the targeted ending trust fund level, plus the beginning trust fund level, to (2) the present value of the taxable payroll during the period.
Súkromná spoločnosť, ktorá má zmluvu s Medicare platiť svoje účty Medicare časť B.
Skúšku skontrolovať či vnútorné ženské orgány normálne tým pocit ich tvaru a veľkosti.
Individuálne poplatok určí dopravca krytých SMI lekárske služby alebo dodávky.
A special type of health plan that provides the full range of Medicare benefits offered by standard Medicare HMOs, plus other services that include the following: prescription drug and chronic care benefits, respite care, and short-term nursing home care; homemaker, personal care services, and medical transportation; eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dental benefits.