Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Branche: Health care
Number of terms: 4240
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) is a federation of 39 separate health insurance organizations and companies in the United States. Combined, they directly or indirectly provide health insurance to over 100 million Americans.
従来のインデムニティ補償の選択肢を提供する 25 以上の従業員に医療保険を提供または管理閉鎖パネル HMO またはオープン パネル HMO の下で医療保険に入っている雇用者に必要なことを 1973 年 HMO 法の規定
Industry:Health care
組織の条件の 1 つの製品またはサービスの他の製品やサービスの販売を販売するときに発生する違法な業務行為。
Industry:Health care
Industry:Health care
Industry:Health care
Industry:Health care
A method of paying for healthcare services on the basis of the number of patients who are covered for specific services over a specified period of time rather than the cost or number of services that are actually provided.5
Industry:Health care
See primary care provider.
Industry:Health care
See fee schedule.
Industry:Health care
A physician or other medical professional who serves as a group member's first contact with a plan's healthcare system. Also known as a primary care physician, personal care physician, or personal care provider.
Industry:Health care
Industry:Health care