Branche: Others
Number of terms: 1240
Number of blossaries: 3
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About.com offers highly relevant solutions that empower our users to accomplish their needs and move forward in their daily lives. Each About.com Guide makes the following promises to our audience: Our Promises to You: We will help you address your Needs, at the moment you need the help the most. ...
The contamination of a food product from another source. The three main ways cross contamination can occur includes food to food, equipment to food and people to food.
Adding liquid to a skillet that has been used to cook meat. This makes a flavorful sauce.
A metal dish that is filled with water and kept warm with a candle or fuel cell underneath. These are typically used on buffets.
To provide food or service for an individual or group. Food or restaurant catering is the business of people who work in licensed commercial kitchens, who are properly insured and who are trained to prepare and serve food in exchange for payment.
Term used for clearing off and resetting tables after guests have left. In busier restaurants this is done by the busboy (also called a busser).
Method of cooking where food (usually meat, sometimes vegetables) is browned in fat then placed in a tightly covered container and cooked for a long time. This technique helps meats become very tender and develop rich and intense flavors.
Originally from England, it is a combination of breakfast and lunch, usually eaten sometime between 11AM and 3PM.
This technique is used mainly on fruits and vegetables. Food is placed into boiling water for a few minutes and then put directly into cold water to stop the cooking process. Blanching is a good way to bring out the color of certain vegetables, as well as loosen skins on fruits like peaches or tomatoes.
The exchange of goods or services that does not include money.
Sauce made from meat juices, often thickened with flour.