Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Branche: Telecommunications
Number of terms: 29235
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry.
A comparatively long-term change in an attribute or value of a system or equipment operational parameter. Note 1: The drift should be characterized, such as "diurnal frequency drift" and "output level drift. " Note 2: Drift is usually undesirable and unidirectional, but may be bidirectional, cyclic, or of such long-term duration and low excursion rate as to be negligible.
A complete and convincing mathematical argument, presenting the full logical justification for each proof step, for the truth of a theorem or set of theorems. The formal verification process uses formal proofs to show the truth of certain properties of formal specification and for showing that computer programs satisfy their specifications.
A complete or partial failure of a component or components of a network because of malfunction or natural or human-caused disasters. Partial failures include degradation (and graceful degradation. )
A complete system of crypto-communications between two or more holders. The basic unit for naval cryptographic communication. A cryptochannel is analogous to a radio circuit. It includes: (a) The cryptographic aids prescribed. (b) The holders thereof. (c) The indicators or other means of identification. (d) The area or areas in which effective. (e) The special purpose, if any, for which provided. (f) Pertinent notes as to distribution, usage, etc.
A complex that includes the DEO and all connected remote switching units (RSUs,) remote digital terminals (RDTS) and optical network units (ONUs. )
A component of a search engine that collects information from Internet resources. Synonyms droid, infobot, robotic librarian, search robot.
A component of a security clearance and/or security class used for computing access rights and controlling information flow by authorizing a specific group of subjects to have access to the information. Note: A When one or more caveats (of a given set) occurs within a security class, access rights are granted when: a) at least one of the caveats is present in the security clearance and b) the security clearance contains no caveat that is not also present in the security class (i.e., the caveats in the clearance are a non- empty subset of those in the security class. ) Adding a caveat to a group of caveats (of the same set) in a security class extends the group of subjects who may have access. See also: Category, Classification, Dominance.
A component of a security clearance and/or security class used for computing access rights and controlling information flow by restricting access to the information to a specific group of subjects. Note: A when more than one category is combined within a security class, access rights are granted only when all categories are present in the security clearance. Adding a category to a security class restricts the group of subjects who may have access. Codewords and Privacy and Restrictive markings may be represented by categories or caveats. See also: Caveat, Classification, Dominance.
A component of the Defense Communications System that handles Department of Defense voice, data, and video communications.
A component of the Defense Communications System used for switching Department of Defense automated data processing systems.