- Branche: Weather
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
A lake without surface or subsurface outflow, where the inflow water is lost by evaporation.
Empirical formula expressing peak flood discharge as a function of catchment area and other factors.
A technique used in boundary layer meteorology to denote a type of mixed layer growth rate that is proportional to the rate of warming of the mixed layer divided by the ambient lapse rate immediately above the top of the mixed layer. In other words, heating from the surface causes the depth of the mixed layer to increase. Also known as the thermodynamic method, the mixed-layer top can be found by finding the area under the early morning sounding (between the sounding and an adiabat for warmer air) that is equal to the area under a plot of the surface heat flux versus time up to the time of interest. Compare energetics method.
The ratio of the power emitted by a body at a temperature T to the power emitted if the body obeyed Planck's radiation law. Strictly, emissivity should be qualified by the frequency, direction, and even polarization state of the emitted radiation. This is recognized in qualifiers such as monochromatic (at a given frequency) as opposed to total (over a broad range of frequencies), and directional (the ratio for a particular direction) as opposed to hemispherical (the ratio for a hemisphere of directions). Contrary to a widespread misconception, the upper limit of emissivity is not 1. This upper limit is valid (approximately) only for bodies large compared with all relevant wavelengths. See also blackbody, emissive power, emittance.
A legal restriction on the maximum amount of air pollutants, especially airborne toxic chemicals, that are allowed to be emitted from any single source such as a smokestack. The standard can also be expressed as the maximum concentration allowed in the exhaust gas at stack top or within the ventilation air.
The detailed dependence on wavelength of the intensity of radiation emitted by a given radiator. Emission spectra are typically composed of discrete spectral lines and bands of overlapping lines, which depend on the molecular or atomic composition of the emitting substance and which may be used to identify it uniquely.