- Branche: Weather
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
In the United States, regions smaller than states over which climatological statistics (averages and extremes) are computed. The boundaries of these regions are selected such that the locations contained therein are climatologically similar.
In the U. S. Navy, those preliminary measures prescribed for a given area in anticipation of hazardous and destructive weather phenomena. The conditions are IV, III, and II for possible threat of destructive winds (of force indicated) within 72, 48, and 24 hours, respectively, and condition I for imminent destructive winds within 12 hours.
In the United States, a low that makes its first appearance as a definite center in the vicinity of Colorado on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. It is, in most aspects, analogous to the Alberta low.
In the study of human bioclimatology, one of several parameters devised to measure the cooling effect of the air upon the human body. It is the skin temperature of a sphere that is in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air; the sphere is supplied heat at a constant rate, and its heat exchange characteristics correspond to those of a blond, fair-skinned human.
In the study of human bioclimatology, one of several parameters devised to measure the cooling effect of the air upon a human body. Essentially, cooling power is determined by the amount of applied heat required by a device to maintain it at a constant temperature (usually 34°C); the entire system should be made to correspond, as closely as possible, to the external heat exchange mechanism of the human body. Instruments used in applying this principle include the katathermometer, the frigorimeter, and the coolometer. Compare cooling temperature, operative temperature.
In the general circulation context, circulation in the latitude-height plane as exemplified by Hadley circulation. See Hadley cell, Ferrel cell.
In the China Sea, especially in Hainan Strait and the Gulf of Tonkin north of 20°N, a period of drizzle or light rain with low stratus clouds and bad visibility that frequently occurs between late January and early April and may persist for several days. It is associated with a fall of pressure over China and a change from a continental to a maritime air mass.
In statistics, the general level, characteristic, or typical value that is representative of the majority of cases. Among several accepted measures of central tendency employed in data reduction, the most common are the arithmetic mean (simple average), the median, and the mode.
In synoptic meteorology, a pronounced extension or protrusion of cold air.
In Spain, local term for the mistral in the lower valley of the Ebro. It occurs mainly in the autumn and early winter. Compare cers.