American Gas Association
Branche: Energy
Number of terms: 18218
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The American Gas Association represents local energy companies that deliver natural gas throughout the United States.
A material that will undergo or has undergone a chemical reaction by the action of heat, catalysts, ultra-violet light, etc., leading to a relatively infusible state. Typical of the plastics in the thermosetting family are the aminos (melamine and urea), most polyesters, alkyds, epoxies, and phenolics.
A small plug that is run through a flow line by pressure to clean the line or test for obstructions. See PIG and SCRAPER.
An instrument for determining the specific gravity of gases. Compare BALANCE, GAS.
Generally applies to footwear providing toe protection for the wearer. Safety-toe footwear has been divided into three classifications: 75, 50, and 30; based on its ability to meet the minimum requirements for both compression and impact as specified by the American Standard Z41 Series. Generally, the safety-toe shoe should be used for work requiring the handling of heavy materials. Safety shoes may also be obtained with conductive soles to drain off static charges, and with nonferrous construction, to reduce the possibility of friction sparks in environments with a fire or explosion hazard. Other safety shoes are designed to provide protection against splashes of molten metal, construction hazards such as protruding nails, contact with energized electrical equipment, wet conditions, hot surfaces, and other hazards.
Rate structure that divides consumption into continuous blocks. The larger the consumption block, the larger the associated price.
The fee charged a customer by a utility for work on the customer's premises. Also, part of a rate schedule, such as a customer charge; generally does not include any gas.
The retirement of one security issue with the proceeds received from the sale of another to provide for maturing debt or to take advantage of more favorable money market conditions.
A condition attached by the FERC on revised rates, after the suspension period has expired, denoting that a company is allowed to charge and collect such rates provided, however, that appropriate rate refunds and reductions, including interest, may be required upon resolution of the rate proceeding if such rates are found to be in excess of just and reasonable rates. Under certain conditions rates may go into effect subject to refund without suspension.
A material which at room temperature can be stretched repeatedly to at least twice its original length and upon immediate release of the stress, will return to its approximate original length and shape.