Startseite > Blossary: Italian Nikon terms glossary


1031 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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Collected Terms

Optical filters allow passage only of light with specific characteristics (for example, light of a specific wavelength), blocking (filtering) all other light. Optical filters are widely used in ...

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

Filtri ottici consentono il passaggio solo di luce con caratteristiche specifiche (ad esempio, la luce di una lunghezza d'onda specifica), blocco (filtro) ogni altra luce. Filtri ottici sono ...

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

To supply additional light according to the ambient light.

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

Per fornire ulteriore luce secondo la luce ambientale.

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

To supply additional light to illuminate shadows.

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

Per fornire ulteriore luce per illuminare le ombre.

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

A flash mode in which the flash fires with every shot, even if the subject is brightly lit.

Domain: Photography; Kategorie: Professional photography

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