Company: Others
Created by: zblagojevic
Number of Blossarys: 5
- English (EN)
- Serbian (SR)
- Croatian (HR)
- Slovenian (SL)
- Albanian (SQ)
- German (DE)
- English, UK (UE)
- Russian (RU)
- French (FR)
- Macedonian (MK)
- Polish (PL)
- Italian (IT)
- Spanish (ES)
- Lithuanian (LT)
- Czech (CS)
- Indonesian (ID)
Revision of the map, so that it matches the latest looks the terrain.
A device for measuring areas on map, by mechanical integration.
Old French measure for lenght (toise du Chàtelet=1.94804m)
Ruling pen, for drawing finest line with india ink.
A curve line over the Earth's surface, crossing all meridians of longitude at the same angle.
The science of weights and measures or of measurement.