Startseite > Blossary: Glossary of environmental education
Based on "Glossary of environmental education terms", promoted on the Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education (Tbilissi, USSR, 1977) and recommended by Unesco for standardization of environmental education terminology through the compilation of a multilingual glossary. Printed In Hungary by the National Centre for Educational Technology, © Unesco 1983

Kategorie Education

96 Terms

Created by: zblagojevic

Number of Blossarys: 5

Meine Begriffe
Collected Terms

Langsiktig værforhold og faktorer særegne for en gitt miljømessige segment/område på grunn av sin geografiske plassering. En av de viktigste faktorene som avgjør distribusjonen av plante- og ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Convenția privind comerțul internațional cu specii pe cale de dispariţie a faunei şi florei (CITES), ai cărei membri includ multe a statului. Convenţia conţine un sistem de măsuri de combatere a ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Verdrag inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levende dier- en plantensoorten (CITES), waarvan de leden veel van de staat bevat. Het Verdrag bevat een systeem van maatregelen ter ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and Flora (CITES), whose members include many of the State. The Convention contains a system of measures to combat trafficking of ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Konvenciją dėl tarptautinės prekybos nykstančiomis laukinės faunos ir floros (CITES), kurios nariai yra daugelio valstybės. Konvencijoje yra priemonių kovai su prekyba CITES rūšių tarptautiniu mastu ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and Flora (CITES), whose members include many of the State. The Convention contains a system of measures to combat trafficking of ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

Loodusliku loomastiku ja taimestiku (CITES), mille liikmete hulka kuuluvad paljud riigi ohustatud liikidega rahvusvahelise kauplemise konventsioon. Konventsioon sisaldab CITESI liikide ...

Domain: Environment; Kategorie: Environmental policy

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By: zblagojevic