Category: Culture
Created by: kschimmel
Number of Blossarys: 8
A special library is any library that is not a public, school, or academic library. Special libraries include music libraries, medical and law libraries, and private libraries such as corporate ...
YALSA is a national association of librarians and other interested parties whose mission is to provide and improve library services for patrons from age 12 through age 18. YALSA uses continuing ...
RUSA's mission is to foster excellence in the delivery of library services and materials. Members are dedicated to providing reference and information services, collection development, readers’ ...
The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association, has more than 9,000 members. It was founded in 1944 as a member-driven organization to provide a means for ...
The Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) serves the American Library Association by supporting equitable access to the knowledge and information resources stored in member libraries. OLOS ...
The Office for Intellectual Freedom was established in 1967. This office is in charge of implementing the American Library Association’s policies concerning the concept of intellectual freedom as ...
The Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) is the branch of the American Library Association tasked with advancing the Association’s public policy activities. The Office supports ...
By: kschimmel