Startseite > Blossary: Migration
Migration is an issue that needs a global approach and is currently being discussed on local, bilateral and global arenas. This glossary focuses on migration, the types of migration that exist and terms and concepts used in the migration field.

Kategorie Politics

10 Terms

Created by: pemh.89

Number of Blossarys: 1

Meine Begriffe
Collected Terms

認定された法的文書は通常 が高齢者の移住者とそれらに頻繁に必要な国に許可されるエントリを有効にする 出稼ぎにメンテナンスの全費用を保証する のスポンサーによって署名した は、病気と自分自身を養うことができません 。 人 destinating 国に許可して病気を持つ人々 にサポートを提供への移行を保証この書類または高齢者や小さなお子様など、自分自身の世話をすることはないです。 ...

Domain: Law; Kategorie: Legal

Tujci priznala država izven svoje zaradi svoje zgodovinsko, etnično ali drugih vezi z te države. Na podlagi teh vezi, je tujec, je takoj priznana pravica dolgoročno prebivanja v tej državi , ali ...

Domain: Culture; Kategorie: People

A person leaving his/her habitual place of residence to settle outside his/her country of origin in order to improve his/her quality of life. This term may be used to distinguish from refugees ...

Domain: Economy; Kategorie: Economics

Secret or concealed migration in breach of immigration requirements. It can occur when a non-national breaches the entry regulations of a country; or having entered a country legally overstays in ...

Domain: Law; Kategorie: General law

Service rendered by a worker under condition of bondage arising from economic considerations, notably indebtedness through a loan or an advance. Where debt is the root cause of bondage, the ...

Domain: Politics; Kategorie: General politics

The means to apply the existing norms and principles, both at the international and the national levels in the appropriate manner. Best practices may be translated into operational directives, codes ...

Domain: Politics; Kategorie: General politics

There are two types of asylum: diplomatic and territorial. Diplomatic asylum: The refuge which States may grant beyond the boundaries of their territory in places which are granted immunity from ...

Domain: Politics; Kategorie: International politics

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