Kategorie Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
- There are no other language terms for this blossary.
- Begriffe übersetzen
DASH7 is a standard, promoted by the DASH7 Alliance that leverages the 433Mhz band unlicensed spectrum, supporting the networking of sensors up to 2 km apart and in-building positioning within 1 ...
Dashboards are a reporting mechanism that aggregate and display metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), enabling them to be examined at a glance by all manner of users before further ...
DAPP vendors are those that provide healthcare value-added analytic applications to support analysis of administrative data for the purposes of network management, actuarial and underwriting ...
The data center is the department in an enterprise that houses and maintains back-end information technology (IT) systems and data stores—its mainframes, servers and databases. In the days of large, ...
The term “data center bridging” (DCB) refers to a collection of proposed standards designed to transform Ethernet into a lossless network with efficient Layer 2 multipath forwarding. DCB (formerly ...
Data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tools monitor, measure, manage and/or control data center utilization and energy consumption of all IT-related equipment (such as servers, storage and ...
Data center outsourcing (DCO) is a multiyear, annuity contract or relationship involving the day-to-day management responsibility for operating server or host platforms, including distributed servers ...