Kategorie Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
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Data communications network in which data is divided into small segments known as packets. These are divided so that each packet forms part of a complete message that can be routed through a network ...
An output device that prints one page at a time. This includes the following types of device: • Laser — An electrophotographic technology in which laser beams are used to transfer images to a ...
This describes the maximum paper size/dimension a device can print on. It includes the following: • A3/A2 paper size — This category includes printers with the capability of printing paper between ...
A parabolic trough is a type of concentrated solar power (CSP) system. Long, curved mirrors arranged in a line concentrate sunlight on pipes located at the mirrors’ focal center. These pipes run down ...
Parallel Network File System (pNFS) is an emerging industry standard for parallel storage input/output (I/O), which is an optional feature of Network File System (NFS) v.4.1. The new technology ...
The solution of a single problem across more than one processor. Little parallel processing is done today outside of research laboratories, because it is difficult to decompose tasks into independent ...
Encryption and delivery of only those pages requested or those that the requester is allowed to see. A certificate server only releases the required certificate when an authorized user makes a ...