Kategorie Technology
Company: Gartner
Created by: consultant
Number of Blossarys: 2
- There are no other language terms for this blossary.
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Group buying is a type of social commerce in which an offer is made by an organization using socially based techniques and capabilities to potential customers. However, the offers are contingent on a ...
Software that supports interpersonal processes and the objects with which people commonly work. Groupware was originally coined to describe a new class of applications designed to provide electronic ...
Specified period of time used to separate transmissions so that they do not interfere with each other. In IEEE 802.11n, the guard interval has been reduced from 800 ns to 400 ns to boost the ...
Device- and network-independent language developed by Openwave for Web programming on a handheld device with limited memory and display, such as a cellular phone.
Process of transferring a mobile telephone call from one cell to another without dropping the call. Cellular users may traverse several cells during a conversation, sometimes requiring a high-speed ...
Handwriting recognition systems use pattern matching to convert handwritten letters into corresponding computer text or commands in real time. Batch recognition of handwritten forms is already ...
Haptics is a tactile or force-feedback technology that leverages a person’s sense of touch by applying vibrations and/or motion to the user’s fingertips. This stimulation can assist the technology in ...