Created by: melisa
Number of Blossarys: 2
English (EN)
Turkish (TR)
Bulgarian (BG)
Russian (RU)
Filipino (TL)
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Albanian (SQ)
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English, UK (UE)
Turkish (TR)
Bulgarian (BG)
Russian (RU)
Filipino (TL)
Spanish (ES)
Serbian (SR)
Polish (PL)
Urdu (UR)
Hindi (HI)
French (FR)
Romanian (RO)
Italian (IT)
Greek (EL)
Indonesian (ID)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Dutch (NL)
Hungarian (HU)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Arabic (AR)
German (DE)
Vietnamese (VI)
Armenian (HY)
Portuguese (PT)
Croatian (HR)
Albanian (SQ)
Slovenian (SL)
Thai (TH)
Slovak (SK)
English, UK (UE)
A tower built on the island of Pharos that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This ancient wonder is also identified as "Lighthouse of Alexandria." Built around 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, the lighthouse is 115 to 135 meters tall (approx. 380 - 440 ft). It was among the tallest structures of that time and was used to help direct sailors into the harbor at night.
Torre construída na ilha de Pharos que foi considerada uma das sete maravilhas do mundo antigo. Construído por volta de 280 a.C. em Alexandria, no Egito, o farol tem 115 a 135 metros de altura (aprox. 380-440 pés). Era uma das estruturas mais altas da época e foi usado para ajudar os marinheiros a entrar no porto à noite.
In the Middle Ages, the common term among Christians in Europe for a Mohammedan hostile to the crusaders
Na Idade Média, o termo comum entre os cristãos da Europa para designar um maometano hostil aos cruzados.
Member of a nomadic people originally of Iranian stock who migrated from Central Asia to Southern Russia in the 8th and 7th centuries BC.
Povo nómada originalmente do tronco iraniano que migrou da Ásia Central para a Rússia Meridional nos séculos VIII e VII a.C..
A portcullis is a latticed grille or gate made of wood, metal or a combination of the two.
Uma ponte levadiça é um gradeado de madeira, ferro ou uma combinação dos dois.