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special relativity plus

Physik; Quantenmechanik

Special relativity plus is an extension of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (STR) concerning mass-energy ...


Übersetzung & Lokalisierung; Übersetzung

I call myself a stresslator: I am a freelance translator and proofreader, only it is almost impossible to find a job on-line ...


Sprache; Internettrends

Thanks to the clever journalist who coined 'Brangelina' many years ago, the world has developed an insatiable thirst for more ...


Sprache; Sprachenlernen

In Zimbabwe this term is used to call someone or something or a situation stupid, lame, not so smart. usage "That was a ...


Psychologie; Gefühle und Gemütsverfassungen

The realigination is imagining what we want to reach until it becomes a reality. The concept is present in the psychology and ...


Sprache; Slang

This term is used as a slang word to "mistake" for example : If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job , that ...


Elternschaft; Kinderbetreuung

This term comes from the combination of two words: pollinator + player. Just like bees fly from flower to flower in a frantic ...


Sprache; World languages

It's a combination between two languages , Arabic and English and it's used when someone's mood isn't that good or when someone ...


Sprache; Sprachenlernen

Pronounced bromshi; Complete disorder and confusion, a jumble or disorderly mass, a mess, absolute chaos, a total lack of ...


Sprache; Slang

Can means in slang bathroom we say :" Do you know where the can is?" in common language we use "bathroom" instead of "can" .


Entertainment; Popkultur

An adjective used to describe anything that makes one, who is completely alone, laugh at extreme volumes in an effort to draw ...


Kunsthandwerk; Moderne Kunst

The object responsible for the transformation of ideas into tangible reality. Originating from the latin term "omni" (meaning ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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